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Why work with a CEPA?

Build more company value, develop strong personal financial plans, and align personal goals with a

Certified Exit Planning Advisor

The Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) is a unique credential that allows professional advisors to deeply engage with business owners and help them plan every aspect of their personal finances. A certified exit planning advisor isn’t just concerned with your business goals; they consider your personal and financial objectives as well. A CEPA takes a holistic approach to help you develop a business strategy that integrates all aspects of your life. Craig Popp is prepared to help you:

Determine how ready and attractive your company is currently. 

Identify your three gaps- Wealth, Profit, and Value.

Determine if the value of your company addresses your wealth gap.

Better understand your personal vision and personal financial needs.

Align your business, personal and financial goals.

Create, deliver and maintain an action plan helping you to de-risk your business and grow value.

Bring the advisory team and your internal team together, to work towards common goals and better collaborate.

Understand your exit options and how they apply to your company and exit goals.

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