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Exit Planning

For Business Owners



Exit Planning with Accrū Wealth asks and answers all the business, personal, and financial questions involved in a business transition. Many business owners struggle to align their personal finances, only paying attention to the business finances. Having an advisor on your team that possesses the CEPA designation will help you build a more valuable company, align your financial goals and create a solid personal financial plan that can help you confidently transition into a successful retirement.

Owner’s Wealth is locked in their business

Of owners have done no planning at all

Of owners have not formed a transition advisory team

Business transitions in the U.S. are involuntary

Owners regret selling after one year


We offer a team approach to financial planning, designed to deliver  you a broader scope of expertise than you will likely find in any one person. Clients are our main priority, which is why we work to understand your unique circumstances and ultimately create a distinctive plan that provides a roadmap for your financial journey.

How Ready & Attractive Are You Today?

Recent studies show that 51% of the current American business market is owned by Baby Boomers, who are set to transition over the next zero to ten years. Statistics also show that only 20 to 30% of businesses that go to market actually sell; leaving up to 80% of those without solid options to harvest their wealth and ensure economic continuity into the next generation. An owner who is “ready” with an attractive business greatly increases the odds that the business will survive a transition of hands. The question is, how ready are business owners?

Do you have...

Clear personal goals and objectives?

A financial plan that considers the value of the business?

A valuation of your business based on facts and not based on hearsay?

Easy access to interim information and forecasting?

An advisory board or transitional team assembled?

Your shareholders and/or family members on the same page?

Commitment and loyalty from management, employees and customers?

A ‘what’s next’ plan?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, please contact Accrū Wealth to see what other elements of Exit Planning that may be keeping you from being ready for your future.

Let's Cut Through the Complexities

Of Your Financial Situation



Whether we're collaborating with your current professional partnerships or working towards building a support team from the ground up, Accrū Wealth will work to create, implement and manage an all-encompassing plan designed to pursue your goals – personally and professionally. Our strategies capitalize on our deep resources and insightful analysis and are customized to your needs. The result is a balanced plan interwoven with the details of how you picture your life.

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