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Insightful Ideas

Charts That Matter Episode 8 Thumbnail

Charts That Matter Episode 8

What Dow 40,000 Means for Consumer Net Worth. The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 40,000 for the first time recently as markets continue to rebound from a 5% decline earlier this year. While this has felt like a difficult year for many investors due to inflation, high interest rates, and growth concerns, the reality is that the broad market has achieved 23 new all-time highs. Other asset classes, including international stocks, commodities, and even gold, have surged alongside the U.S. stock market as interest rate expectations have fallen.

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Charts That Matter Ep 6 Thumbnail

Charts That Matter Ep 6

Sharing some of my favorite charts from J.P. Morgan's Guide to the Markets! With over 70 pages of helpful graphics, this resource provides a robust look at how to view a lot data in one great place. We'll look at Returns and Valuations by Style, Consumer Confidence and the Stock Market, Investing at All-Time Highs, and Time, Diversification and Volatility of Returns

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Charts That Matter Ep. 5 Thumbnail

Charts That Matter Ep. 5

After a historically strong start to the year, markets have now pulled back to begin the second quarter. Concerns around geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, inflation, corporate earnings, and other issues have led to a market decline, pushing the VIX index of stock market volatility to its highest level in six months. In times of market stress, it’s important for investors to maintain perspective on the critical issues and not overreact to headlines.

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